
Showing posts from November, 2015

40 Lessons We Should Learn from the Hudaibiyah Expedition

40 Lessons We Should Learn from the Hudaibiyah Expedition T he Study of the Seerah (Biography) of Prophet Muhammad ﷺ is an indispensable aid in understanding Islam, to the point that each and every aspect of his life is brimming with lessons for us to learn. The Umrah journey of Zil Qadd 6 AH, widely known as the Expedition of Hudaibiyah was a turning point in the Islamic Movement, heralding the onset of all future victories. Hence it becomes very important for us to delve into it in some detail. Here I would try to highlight what we can learn from the events that unfolded during this expedition in the light of Surah alFath [48] (revealed while returning from the expedition) and the Seerah literature. Journey to Hudaibiyah Following the battles of Badr, Uhud and the more recent Battle of the Trench in 5 AH, the relations between the Muslims and the Quraish had reached their nadir. There was an atmosphere of belligerency all around and venturing into enemy territo...