The Day I Witnessed Hashr

The Day I Witnessed Hashr Our final year BDS exams were held in the summer of 2007. We had 72 exams that year, including internals and clinicals. Our exams were conducted by the Maharashtra University of Health Sciences (MUHS), which means that the results of all the medical students across Maharashtra were declared together... except the results of our college. We had locked horns with our college management in the Bombay High Court, so our results were withheld by the University. The only option left with us was to personally visit the MUHS building and obtain them. The MUHS building is located outside the city limits of Nashik, bang in the middle of nowhere. Just off the state highway, with no field, market or village in the vicinity. We students went to Nashik, from where we hired private cars to the wilderness. It was Ramazan then. We were ushered into the huge central hall of the building and made to wait in the lobby for what seemed to be an eternity. Anxious. Perspiring. Ten...