Invest Wisely
Invest Wisely A friend of mine was telling me about the benefits of SIP (Systematic Investment Plan) in which we can invest as little as Rs. 500-1000 every month (which is not a big sum) in Shariyah-compliant companies and get very good returns after a few years. I have been thinking about this since some days. The Qur'an also speaks of an investment plan. It calls it a goodly loan that Allah would return to us some years later when it reaches maturity on the Day of Judgment and it would be kept deposited with Him until then. He calls it sadqa/infaq/qarz hasanah. Now let us compare the two: SIP: Returns are immediate, but limited. The maturity amount is not very high; actually nothing compared to the latter. Benefits are short lived. I can use the money only for a few years before I eventually die and become dust. No added benefits. Investment Company might not be secure. It may collapse under market pressure rendering my savings null and vo...