A Muslim’s Beard

Why is a Muslim man required to keep a beard?
1. Beard is part of fitrah. (as per a Hadith narrated by Ummul Mumineen Hazrat Aishah ؓ  from Huzoor ﷺ). It has been recorded by Muslim, Ahmad, Abu Dawood, Ibn Majah and Nisai.
2. Keeping a beard is a Sunnah muakkadah. The Prophet ﷺ and Sahaba kiraam ؓ have always had beards.
3. Certain scholars aver that keeping a beard is Wajib. (deriving from a Hadith recorded by Muslim and Ahmad in which there is an instruction to grow the beard and trim the moustache)
4. The Prophet ﷺ has also said that My Lord has commanded me to grow the beard and trim the moustache.

Shaving is detestable because:
1. It makes a man resemble a woman; and it should be known that the Mercy unto Mankind ﷺ has cursed those men and women who seek to resemble those of the opposite gender.
2. It makes a Muslim resemble a non-Muslim. Imam Bukhari has recorded: Ibn Umar ؓ narrates that the Prophet ﷺ had said, Grow the beard and look different from the polytheists.
In this context, keeping beards which resemble the ones kept by non-Muslims also defeats the purpose. They keep very short beards or beards with moustaches. Hence, trimming the moustache and growing the beard has been emphasized upon. Ibn Umar ؓ used to keep a fistful of beard hair and trim off the rest, and the beard of Hazrat Ali ؓ used to cover his chest.

Why should a Muslim be identifiable in public?
1. Whom would you ask directions to a masjid in a new place? A Muslim, right? And how would you know which person in a busy market place dominated by non-Muslims is a Muslim? A beard is a permanent identifying factor. Even if a fully bearded person without a moustache is in casuals or formals and not wearing a skull cap, he is easily identifiable as a Muslim. Just think how many people he can guide to the nearest Masjid and how many rewards he would thus earn. This has happened with me on innumerable occasions. I have enquired from bearded men and I have also been approached for the same.
2. You are supposed to greet a Muslim, whether you know him or not. But how would you know who is a Muslim. Is it not reason enough to keep a ‘Muslim’ beard that people would offer you salaam and you would greet them back?
3. Our Imam had said in a Friday sermon that you should have an identifying factor on you other than a circumcised penis. If you happen to die in an accident somewhere, would your penis be the only part of your body which would help the authorities in identifying you for a burial and not a cremation?
4. One very big advantage of being identified as a Muslim in public is that the bearded person abstains from many sins. He would not visit avenues of sin, and he would behave well in public because anything wrong that he does can damage the reputation of Islam. This keeps him alert and conscious at all times.

One more question
Last but certainly not the least, men who do not keep a full grown beard should ask themselves why they don't do so. That it is not obligatory, that it is not an essential part of _deen_ , that it is not a qualification for being a Muslim are not the answers. These are excuses- irrespective of whether these excuses are true or not. What I am asking is, Is there a positive reason for not keeping a beard? Is it because it makes you look ugly? Is it that you want to look more attractive to your wife? If that is the case then please understand that bearded men are also quite attractive provided the beard is well-kept. Also, our love for the Sunnah should override our desires (hawa e nafs).
Or is it that you want to fit in? Is it that you want to... resemble the non-Muslims? Is it that you are... seeking honour among them by imitating them? But all honour belongs to Allah, He grants it to whom He wills. And you know who He would grant it to.
Ask yourself. And see if your reply would convince Allah on the Day of Judgment. If yes, carry on. But if no, then reflect and correct yourself today.
May Allah grant us the taufeeq to earn His good pleasure.
قُلْ إِنْ كُنْتُمْ تُحِبُّونَ اللَّهَ فَاتَّبِعُونِي يُحْبِبْكُمُ اللَّهُ وَيَغْفِرْ لَكُمْ ذُنُوبَكُمْ ۗ وَاللَّهُ غَفُورٌ رَحِيمٌ
“(O Muhammad) Tell my servants, if you should love Allah, follow me. Allah would love you, and forgive you your sins. And Allah is the Forgiving, the Merciful.”
[Surah Aal’Imran 31]
- Dr. Parvez Mandviwala


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