A Muslim’s Beard
Why is a Muslim man required to keep a beard? 1. Beard is part of fitrah. (as per a Hadith narrated by Ummul Mumineen Hazrat Aishah ؓ from Huzoor ﷺ). It has been recorded by Muslim, Ahmad, Abu Dawood, Ibn Majah and Nisai. 2. Keeping a beard is a Sunnah muakkadah. The Prophet ﷺ and Sahaba kiraam ؓ have always had beards. 3. Certain scholars aver that keeping a beard is Wajib. (deriving from a Hadith recorded by Muslim and Ahmad in which there is an instruction to grow the beard and trim the moustache) 4. The Prophet ﷺ has also said that My Lord has commanded me to grow the beard and trim the moustache. Shaving is detestable because: 1. It makes a man resemble a woman; and it should be known that the Mercy unto Mankind ﷺ has cursed those men and women who seek to resemble those of the opposite gender. 2. It makes a Muslim resemble a non-Muslim. Imam Bukhari has recorded: Ibn Umar ؓ narrates that the Prophet ﷺ had said, Grow the beard and look different from the pol...